As we address the needs of the whole child, we look for ways to include each family, as well. Beyond the classroom walls, students have opportunities to join after-school clubs, join the band and play a musical instrument, get involved in a variety of sports, and be a part of a community service group. In addition, electives that align with student interests are included at middle school grade levels.
Parents play an integral role in their child’s education, so we have many opportunities for you to be an active participant in our schools.
Site Council is a group of parents, teachers, and an administrator who meet regularly to discuss and plan the expenditure of funds, the targeted goals, and the areas of need within the school. This group plays a very important role in developing the school safety plan and the single plan for student achievement, and this venue is ideal for sharing your ideas of what needs to be changed, strategies that could be implemented, and any areas you see for improvement. All parents are welcome to attend the meetings.
Booster Clubs exist to support various segments of the school. For example, Band Boosters support the Band and direct fundraisers that raise money for the specific needs of the band. At the middle school, the Parent Boosters Club raises funds and plans for the 8th grade trip and graduation festivities.
Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) meets four times per year. The role of the PAC is to discuss federal funding in the district. The PAC also contributes to the preparation of the Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) to ensure the goals in the plan align with student achievement. The PAC is also invited and encouraged to give input so the district successfully achieves its goals related to continuous improvement.
The English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) and the District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC) exist to support the English language learners in our schools. Parents bring concerns and share ideas to better address the needs of this population.