Gifted And Talented Education (GATE)
What is GATE?
GATE is a program that provides varied instructional settings that address the strategies of differentiated core curriculum in clusters: depth, complexity, novelty, and acceleration. This program develops and extends thinking skills, addresses the application of multiple intelligences and learning styles, and implements curriculum that exceeds state academic content standards.
Within this program, we offer participation in coding, robotics, Science Bowl, Odyssey of the Mind, Math Challenge, and Spelling Bee ,and 3D image printing.
Who can participate?
Any student, parent, or teacher may request that a child be evaluated for this program. The district’s identification procedures are equitable, comprehensive, and ongoing. A variety of assessment tools are used including the Otis-Lennon School Ability test which is designed to measure verbal, quantitative, and figural reasoning skills that are closely related to scholastic achievement.
GATE meets on a weekly basis at all school sites during the school term.
For further information, contact the Cascade District GATE Coordinator, Ms. Nikki Lafferty, by email at veronica.lafferty@cuesd.com - or contact our AMS GATE Coordinator, Ms. Janae Rochon at janae.rochon@cuesd.com